AsiaNetwork is a multidisciplinary network that brings together researchers and graduated students (MS and PhD), from universities and research institutes, working on Pharmacy issues in Asia.
We engage with drug discovery and development on basic and clinical issues with a potential for publication as well as patents. Our faculties have diverse interests in Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Preventive Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy, Physical Pharmacy, Medicinal Pharmacy, Natural Product, Analytical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics, and Industrial Pharmacy. Some recent projects on AsiaNetwork includes topics such as discovery of HDAC inhibitor with Hanoi University, Viet Nam, and identification of importin structure with Osaka University, Japan.
We have regular AsiaNetwork symposium and 1st symposium was held in 2014 with Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Macau, and Thailand.
Sang-Bae Han, Prof.
College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University
Chungdaero 1, Seowongu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 28644, Republic of Korea
Tel: 82-43-261-2815, Email:
(2018 Asian Network Symposium, 2018.12.7.)